About Bobinsana
My name is Neil, and I live in Sheffield.
I began creating pieces under the umbrella of Bobinsana in 2023 on the back of an intense plant medicine experience in Costa Rica. I felt drawn towards creating physical items using sustainable materials, drawing upon influences and styles which had been a part of my life since childhood.
Rather than creating something throwaway that would leave a trail of microplastics, I wanted to create the absolute best things I was capable of, with the intention of them being loved and cherished for years to come. Instead of chasing trends, I wanted to focus on timeless beauty that echoed through the ages.

What is Bobinsana?
Bobisana (boh-bin-sah-nah) is a shrub which grows on the banks of rivers around the Amazon basin. It's described as a 'Master Plant' that is frequently dieted alongside ayahuasca.
It facilitates connection to the heart; to empathy; to one's emotional core. It gave me the clear message that I needed to do something which fully engaged all of me - this included working with my ever-fidgety hands; creating designs that actually resonated with me, and working at something with essentially endless possibilities.

My designs focus heavily on nature, or on artistic movements which were heavily influenced by nature. Art Nouveau (1890-1910) was a direct response to the burgeoning industrialisation of production - a return to craftsmanship and organic forms, made famous by artists such Alphonse Mucha, Victor Horta, and Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
I enjoy studying the way humans make sense of the plant and animal world, their interpretations of the divinity within nature and the way they take meaning from it. Occult and esoteric symbolism sometimes pops up in my work, and I have great reverence for ancient spiritual systems of understanding the world and the human experience.
Art Nouveau (1890-1910)
A complete arts movement famous for feminine lines, asymmetry, floral designs, organic tendrils and long, whiplash curves.
Art Deco (1910-1930)
Another complete arts movement famous for masculine lines conveying power and symmetry, echoing architecture from ancient civilisations.
Sacred Geometry
The perfectly symmetrical shapes and mathematical patterns that form the plan for life in the universe, from flowers to crystal structures to cell division.
Particularly tropical plants for their lushness, vibrancy and dramatic shapes, as well as the various animals, insects and fungi which feed on them.